Group Coaching

"Should I stay or should I go?" 

12-Week Group for Sexually Betrayed Women

7-8:30PM Eastern via Zoom

6 member maximum

$420 ($100 deposit at time of registration)


This group will provide the opportunity to explore this common question that so many betrayed partners find themselves struggling to answer by:

 • -Gaining clarity on your current situation and relational safety

• -Learning practical tools to assess the pros and cons of staying or leaving

• -Exploring personal values and priorities to guide your decision-making

• -Hearing real - life stories from individuals who have faced similar choices

• -Getting expert advice from our APSAT certified partner coaches

• -Joining a supportive community of sexually betrayed partners who are currently navigating how to answer the same question

• -Walking away feeling empowered and equipped with the knowledge and confidence necessary to make clear decisions moving forward

Email with any questions

“Grieving Well” for Betrayed Partners 
Twelve 90-minute sessions via Zoom

Maximum of 6 group members

$420 ($100 deposit at time of registration)

This group is best suited for those who have been in recovery long enough to have an established sense of safety and stability. The focus will be centered around grieving which is at the heart of healing from betrayal trauma. “Grieving well” will move you into the next phase of post traumatic growth. Grieving what’s lost, grieving what’s new and then looking forward to what comes next will be the three phases we focus on over the 12- week period. 

The group will be part informative/educational and part process/sharing. Literature, worksheets, tools and assessments from various sexual betrayal trauma experts will be provided via email each week for use as a backdrop for next meeting.


An added bonus to joining our group is that you will not only have the expert support and feedback of our coaches, but you will also have the benefit of sharing and receiving wisdom from other women in the group. The added healing that comes from grieving together with a community of women who know and understand your pain is invaluable.


Email us at to register.

Building the Foundation: Establishing Safety & Boundary Work
12/ 90 min group sessions via zoom: $420

Maximum of 6 group members

Our Partner  Group is a 12-week small group. This is a foundational group for individuals who are just embarking on their recovery journey, or for those who have not fully experienced recovery from past sexual betrayal. The group will be part informative/educational and part process/sharing. Literature, worksheets, tools and assessments from various sexual betrayal trauma experts will be provided via email each week for use as a backdrop for the following meeting. This ten week group will focus on safety, stability and boundaries.  Safety is essential in order for you to move forward in your healing journey. Whether you realize it or not, you’ve been living in an abusive “unsafe” environment, or relationship, for as long as your significant other has been involved in sex addiction. The ten weeks will offer a solid foundation to ensure lasting change moving forward.

The 12 week period will cover: 

  • Sexual Betrayal Trauma education: How did I get here? Is he really a sex addict, or is that an excuse? Why do I feel like I am not enough? This is TRAUMA.
  • Knowledge is power: You ARE NOT CRAZY. What is gaslighting? How is this abuse? You are NOT to blame. You GET to choose & You GET to change your mind. You will learn how to recognize and handle the lies, manipulation and "crazy making" that you've endured for so long.  
  • Self assessment: What's making you feel "off"? Where are your triggers stemming from? What comes up for me when I ask myself how I'm feeling  physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually & sexually in my life? What can I do to break down any obstacles in the way?
  • Boundary work: You will begin boundary work around the areas in your life you identified as unsafe.
  • Feedback & Support: will be provided, along with accountability and encouragement to help you move forward in establishing the firm foundation you will need as you move further along in your recovery process.

 In addition to the elements listed above, you will be receiving the opportunity to share with other women, who understand and "get you". They know your pain and they know what it is to experience sexual betrayal trauma.  This will be a place for you to not only invest in yourself, but in others as well. Through our own personal experience, we have found that the healing and comfort found in a safe community of women is invaluable.  The pain of doing this alone is second only to the betrayal itself.. 

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future"- Proverbs 31:25

Partner Support Group

1x Week/ 60 min group via zoom

Wednesday's @  12PM Eastern

$100/ month (billed monthly)

Our "check in" group provides a safe place for you to bring a topic or struggle that you are currently facing and need support to work through. Our support groups will be made up of no more than five women. Not only will you have the expert support and feedback of our coaches, but you will also have the benefit of sharing and receiving wisdom from other women in the group. The added healing that comes from community is invaluable-- give yourself the gift of having a supportive tribe of women, today!

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But, someone who falls alone is in real trouble"- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


Email us at to register.

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